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What Does Medicare Cover?

5 Things to Consider When Changing Medicare Plans During Open Enrollment

If it’s fall, it’s the time of the year when Medicare beneficiaries review their current coverage and compare it to other available Medicare benefits plans. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) gives all Medicare enrollees the opportunity to make changes to their coverage during the Open Enrollment Period that takes place every year…

Can I Change My Prescription Drug Plan During Open Enrollment?

Every year during the Medicare Open Enrollment Period from October 15th to December 7th, Medicare beneficiaries can change their Medicare coverage to better fit their health care and budget needs.  Enrollees can switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare or vice versa, choose a different Medicare Advantage plan, or they can switch, add, or drop…

Our Mission

We want to do more than find a plan that is a good fit. We want to work with you to find you a plan that is right for your current and future needs, even if that plan is not a plan we are contracted to offer.

Two New Medicare Special Enrollment Periods Introduced in 2025

People with Medicare are given the opportunity to make changes to their coverage during specific times of the year. If you need to make a change or switch Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plans, you can do so during enrollment periods.  The annual Open Enrollment Period from October 15 through December 7 allows anyone with…

Do you qualify for a Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP)? 

Millions of people have chronic conditions that may qualify them for a Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plan, but only a small percentage are currently enrolled in a C-SNP. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, more than 32 million people are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, about half of the country’s Medicare-enrolled population. Of those…

Missed Medicare’s Open Enrollment? What are your options?

Medicare’s Open Enrollment may have ended, but if you missed your chance to switch plans, you have options to consider. Life can get busy and needs can change quickly. Depending on your circumstances, you may have an opportunity to change your coverage even though Open Enrollment ended on December 7. You may be eligible for…

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